首页 欧美电视剧 摇滚学校第三季 第03集(DBm3u8)三五电影提醒您:影片中出现的滚动字幕广告勿轻信,了解更多…


杰里 朱克 TheRamones,JoeyRamone 欧美电视剧 欧美 2016 查看详细剧情
Vince Lombardi High School keeps losing principals to nervous breakdowns because of the students" love of rock "n" roll and their disregard of education. The putative leader of the students is Riff Randell, who loves the music of the Ramones. A new principal, the rock-music-hating Miss Evelyn Togar, is brought in and promises to put an end to the music craze. When Miss Togar and a group of parents attempt to burn a pile of rock records, the students take over the high school, joined by the Ramones, who are made honorary students. When the police are summoned and demand that the students evacuate the building, they do so, which leads to an explosive finale.
